Surely one of the biggest Technology news comes with the launch of Bluetooth 5, Bluetooth® technology continues to evolve to meet the needs of the industry as the global wireless standard for simple, secure connectivity. With 4x range, 2x speed and 8x broadcasting message capacity, the enhancements of Bluetooth 5 focus on increasing the functionality of Bluetooth for the IoT.

2x speed

4x range

8x data

+ wireless coexistence

bluetooth 5

Bluetooth 5 is setting the stage for the future

Of smart home. Of audio. Of the IoT.

Bluetooth is revolutionizing how people experience the IoT. Bluetooth 5 continues to drive this revolution by delivering reliable IoT connections, which in turn will decrease connection barriers and enable a seamless IoT experience. Bluetooth 5 offers the flexibility to build IoT solutions based on feature need- range, speed and security can be adjusted for a variety of environments and end products. The increased speed of Bluetooth 5 lays the groundwork for the next generation of Bluetooth audio, and the increased range will deliver reliable IoT connections that make full-home, building, and outdoor use cases a reality.

bluetooth 5


Bluetooth 5 is doing more with Bluetooth

Bluetooth 5 continues to power the IoT but with additional features that better enable industrial automation and whole home coverage by addressing challenges like range and download speeds. Bluetooth 5 is driving the beacon revolution, with improved location awareness and smarter technology that collects data to provide personalized experiences for the end user. Higher speed enables more responsive, high-performance devices. Increased broadcast message size increases the data sent for improved and more context relevant solutions.

The official release states that Bluetooth will continue embracing the technological advancements and will push the boundless potential of the internet of things. The early adoptions indicate that within next two to six months, we will be seeing first Bluetooth 5 devices.
